Chatbots have been gaining momentum over the past couple of years, earning huge respect in terms of brand engagement, consumer loyalty and enhancing the overall customer experience. With brands now looking to transform their digital strategies, many are looking to include various forms of AI. Chat marketing spans virtually every industry sector you can think of, allowing users to self-serve within a private, friendly and personalised channel of communication direct with your brand.
Chatbots are like the perfect employee - they work 24/7, don’t ask for days off and can simultaneously interact with thousands of customers at the same time without any of them waiting in a queue. Their open and tap through rates are astronomical, leaving email and SMS stats standing. Which makes it even more exciting that they can be used to actually build and authenticate your email and SMS lists, boosting overall digital marketing performance.
Fully GDPR compliant, chatbots take a fresh, modern, participatory angle of consumer engagement, designed to work alongside your customer, not as a tool for marketing AT them. Interacting positively with people in real time, they will bring your brand to life, enhancing your company voice and style. They can be as friendly, funny or silly as you like whilst remaining totally professional. They also learn fast - building up customer profiles and giving them bespoke suggestions and deals, and providing you with incredibly specific leads lists for highly relevant retargeting. In essence, they understand people’s needs and present them with solutions accordingly. This intuitive, personalised nature of consumer interaction can work wonders for their customer journey, increasing satisfaction and ultimately customer loyalty.
One of the coolest things about them in our opinion is their ability to bridge the gap between your brand’s real and digital worlds. By scanning a QR code on products, adverts, posters and billboards, and point-of-sale displays, the customer will be welcomed into a real time conversation with your brand at the exact moment they show an interest in your product. Like a portal into your cyber world, this method of interaction is intriguing, physical and deeply engaging - which is the best kind of customer experience there is.