Terms & conditions
1. Estimates cover the provision of an initial proof and a maximum of three sets of minor amendments to it. If further amendments are required, or if you make material changes to the nature, layout or content of the document when compared to your initial instructions, we reserve the right to charge additional fees at our then current hourly rates for the work in question.
2. Estimates are valid for 30 days from its stated date. If no order is placed within that period we reserve the right to submit a new estimate with an amended price.
3. Smoke Media are under no obligation to carry out work outlined in any estimates.
4. Our invoices are to be paid no later than 30 days after their stated date. Without prejudice to any other rights we may have if payment is late, we may charge interest at 3% over Bank of England base rate from time to time on any overdue sums, calculated on a daily basis from the date payment was due to the date it is made.
5. Any agreement between us for the provision of the services described in this estimate, or any other or varied services, shall be deemed to have been made in England and shall be subject to English law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
6. If you specify that any amendments are to be completed within a 24 hour period, we reserve the right to charge a fast turnaround additional premium of up to 30% of our quoted fee or hourly rate.
7. Any designs developed by Smoke Media or the named directors, or photographs and film taken by Smoke Media or the named directors, on a commission basis remain the intellectual property of Smoke Media and the named directors. Smoke Media and the named directors hold the master copyright of all creations developed and photographs and film taken. If the customer also requires the ownership of the copyrights of any designs developed for them or photographs and film taken for them, the copyright costs are based on 300% of the original costs paid by the customer and a written transfer contract of final ownership of copyright will be drawn up when payment is cleared for the copyright ownership. Provision of working files once copyright has been transferred is subject to additional costs to cover working time to facilitate this provision.