One of the most fulfilling, and ultimately successful, kinds of customer engagement with a brand is one which evokes emotion and is brought to life with technology. We can help your company enable your customers to pop your brand and products into fun, awe-inspiring 3D animation. They’ll be able to place your products in their home before they buy, virtually try things on and even enter virtual shops and dressing rooms - all with seamless e-commerce integration. And we know it works - Shopify have reported that products with AR content have a 94% higher conversion rate than products without. That’s indisputably incredible!
And as with Chat Marketing, by pointing their phones or tablets, AR can transport your customers from the real world into a captivating, immersive and palpable shopping experience that involves your customer on a whole new and entertaining level. From magazine and brochures, album covers and billboards - customers can ping traditional ‘real world’ collateral to life with their smartphones, creating their own zone of engagement with brands that delights and fascinates them. Away from B2C, AR is helping industries create realistic manufacturing and repairing environments, aiding employees with training, maintaining and fixing products such as machines, engines, and electrical products.
By using AR, not only will you increase consumer engagement, enhance your customers’ experience and increase your shopping conversion rates, you’ll also be heralding your brand as a future-thinking, modern, innovative company that goes above and beyond to provide its customers with an experience they truly deserve.
Our AR colleagues have worked with brands such as the BBC, Tesco, Samsung, Coca Cola and Dell and have won numerous awards for innovation and creativity over the last few years.